As promised here is an update on the Clashindarroch windfarm campaign. First of all, our petition has now smashed through the million mark which is major milestone and makes this one of the best supported petitions on the whole platform.

Crucially, it sends a very powerful message to decision makers that there is massive public objection to the planned development at the Clashindarroch. It makes it clear that rather than destroy the habitat, it should be protected as a stronghold for the precious Scottish wildcats that call it home. Sincere thanks to each and every one of you who have signed and shared this petition and donated to our cause.

The Public Inquiry hearing took place in early February. We have been waiting to share the video file of the session with you for months but the version on the Scottish Government website had significant technical issues. It's important to note, that all of the other inquiry sessions that weren't involving wildcats, worked perfectly. Another coincidence hey!!!!
We have had to chase this up for months and the technical issues have only just been resolved.

The applicant, Vattenfall, gave evidence first. To summarise, it was a blatant attempt to play down the importance of the Scottish wildcats in the Clashindarroch. Apparently they are all now hybrids, when before we launched our objections to the windfarm, the Scottish government called it a 'Wildcat Wonderland'. They even tried to go further by suggesting that the Scottish Wildcat doesn't exist at all and is just a European wildcat. They clearly have no grasp of the fact that the Scottish wildcat has evolved in isolation from the European mainland for over 9000 years. It even looks different to European wildcats, particularly the ones in Iberia. They tried to argue that planting trees in other places would mitigate the clear felling for the windfarm. What are the wildcats going to do in the 15 to 20 years that it takes for a new forest to establish. Just complete nonsense. Basically the first 4 hours of the inquiry are a cringe worthy attempt by the applicant, trying to defend the indefensible. 

A crucial to point to remember is that evidence submitted by Vattenfall states,  'Hence, the construction phase presents potential hazards that can lead to the killing of kittens in particular, or to the displacement of wildcats'. Despite this Vattenfall and the Scottish government still want to build this windfarm.

We have previously informed you about the blatant attempts by Vattenfall to withhold information and crucial reports. We have told you that whistle blowers have come forward saying that Vattenfall told them not to inform the relevant agencies about the presence of wildcats at the Clashindarroch site. It's all pretty shocking stuff.

If you go to 4 hours and ten minutes when the afternoon starts, you will see the Vattenfall legal representative, Marcus Trinick QC, trying to prevent key evidence from being heard at the Inquiry. One such document was a report that showed evidence of wildcats on the site in 2013. The report was paid for by Vattenfall and has their logo on it. Apparently they had never seen it. Vattenfall failed to disclose this to the Inquiry which can only be seen as a deliberate attempt to mislead. However if you click on this link you will see that they eventually admit to its existence. Apparently, they couldn't find it before!!!!!. Lies upon lies upon lies. Here is their admission of its existence:

The rest of the afternoon session is when our 2 expert witnesses give evidence. The first is a highly experienced Ecologist, Dominic Woodfield. The second is one of our Directors and Scientific advisor, Dr Paul O'Donoghue. We are delighted with the way the afternoon session went and feel that all the points we wanted to make were made and crucially, backed up by peer reviewed, scientific literature. 

Here is the link to the whole Inquiry session:

After the Inquiry we then had the opportunity to provide closing submissions. Our legal representative Susan Shaw has done an amazing job of bringing all this information together. The main points we made are as follows:
The Clashindarroch is a site of National importance for wildcats. Even Vattenfall concede this
At least 5 wildcat territories will be negatively impacted. Again Vattenfall concede this.
This development could lead to an extinction vortex for the whole population.
There are huge uncertainties and flaws in Vattenfall's Environmental Impact Assessment.
The risks of the development far outweigh the benefits.
This is simply the wrong development at the wrong site.
We reiterate again that we are pro renewable energy but it cannot be development at all costs.

You can read our closing  submissions at this link:

So what happens now?
Well we are currently waiting for the reporter to give her recommendations to the Scottish Ministers. We of course hope that the Reporter recommends refusal. To do otherwise, would in our opinion be catastrophic for the Scottish wildcat in the wild. If ultimately the decision is made by ministers to grant permission, then we can and will take this to Judicial Review and try and get the decision overturned. At some point, surely someone is going to put an end to this madness. As we have said before, if there were pandas in the forest, no one would even consider such a reckless development. So why is the beautiful Scottish wildcat which is 70 times rarer than a giant panda, not given the same respect..

We hope you can see the huge amount of work and effort our whole team have put into this Inquiry. Remember, if wasn't for Wildcat Haven and all of you, then the Wildcats of the Clashindarroch would have no voice at all and this development would be a certainty. Of course we can only carry out such campaigns because of the amazing support we receive from you. So thank you so much for making this all possible. The fight isn't over, there is a long road ahead, and we will need every single one of you with us on every step of that journey.

All the very best
The Wildcat Haven team and Finlay



