Again thank you so much for all your messages of support at this very difficult time, we really appreciate it. We are very relieved and pleased to let you know that we are seeing signs of improvement in Finlay but we have been told by vets that it may take him months to recover his condition, such has been the level of deterioration. His condition is still so poor that it is not even deemed fit enough to be wormed due to the impact and strain this may put on his digestive system. This makes us deeply upset and angry but we are putting all of our energy into his recovery.

We are aware that Andrew Dunbobbin, The North Wales Police Crime Commissioner has issued a statement which can be found here. We suggest you read it first and then read our comments below:

Many of you have contacted us about his response and have clearly been able to see the glaring holes and contradictions in this statement and you clearly haven’t fallen for it. It is perhaps summed up best by one of our supporters who commented ‘Does he think we are as thick as mince?’.

Dunbobbin starts by trying to provide reassurance that the ‘experts’ were consulted before Finlay was seized and mentions Natural Resources Wales and Nature Scot. Natural Resources Wales have no experience whatsoever in dealing with Scottish wildcats so that provides little comfort. Nature Scot are the Scottish government agency who are facilitating the destruction of the Clashindarroch forest. You will be very familiar with them from our campaign. They have also removed Scottish wildcats from the wild to put into zoos, then declared the Scottish wildcat functionally extinct in the wild. Crucially they have a proven track record of downgrading wildcats to hybrids. They called the Clashindarroch a ‘Wildcat Wonderland’, then when they realised this would stop development which they would profit from, they claimed the forest was full of hybrids. Not a great start for Dunbobbin.

Dunbobbin claims a license is needed to hold a Scottish wildcat. He conveniently omits the fact that no license whatsoever is required if that animal is being rehabilitated for release. Each and every one of you know that that was our intention from day one.

He claims an independent expert assessed Finlay as a domestic cat. We are pretty sure this expert will be in some way linked to Nature Scot, the habitual betrayers and down graders of wildcats. We will share the report when we can and it makes for embarrassing reading.

If Finlay was so obviously a domestic cat as Dunbobbin claims, then the following questions arise:

Why was he seized in the first place? Finlay is one of the most famous cats in the world and we have posted many pictures and videos of him. Surely those consulted viewed these images. If it’s so clear he was a domestic cat then why didn’t they spot it form the publicly available 360 degree views of him. The fact is that they seized him because he looked like a wildcat. Now apparently he is just a tabby.

Surely they could have assessed him from the pictures available and contacted us or even asked to visit and assessed him where he was. His seizure was not reasonable and was completely unnecessary.

If he is so clearly a domestic cat why was he kept in what sounds like a conventional (and poor) zoo enclosure at a specialist animal conservation centre? Do you keep domestic cats at such centres?

If he is so clearly a domestic cat why was kept in this enclosure for over 4.5months. Why wasn’t he returned immediately. Imagine the cost to the tax payer of all this when we are constantly told the police are under resourced.

If he was so clearly a domestic cat why did the Officer who returned him, PC Richard Smith, hand me a bag of (rancid) horse meat. How many domestic cats do you know that are fed horse meat? It also says in notes we have been provided with, that Finlay showed a strong preference for deer rib bones. Is that a common preference or food type for your pet cat.

Next Dunbobbin attempts to reassure us that welfare needs were met and that Finlay showed no abnormalities or issues.

However he explicitly states that Finlay had regular visits from vets and then says, ‘ All treatments were given under recommendation by vets’

If Finlay was so happy and healthy then why was he having regular vet visits and why was he being treated? You don’t treat a healthy cat. Dunbobbin’s portrayal also contradicts the notes we have from the police stating ‘He has been having issues with his faecals’. Does that sound like a healthy cat? The notes also mention he as straining when defecating. Does that sound like a heathy cat. All these crucial facts are conveniently omitted by Dunbobbin.

Dunbobbin then goes on to talk about shedding and that this is normal. As we all know cats shed according to the seasons, but Finlay should have shed his winter coat long ago. So why is he still shedding now. Why has he not got his sleek summer coat. Does he really think we are all stupid and will be convinced by such nonsense? A cat shedding it’s winter coat in July!!! Wow, you really couldn’t make it up.

Fortunately we have an independent vet report that put bluntly, blows all of Dunbobbin’s attempts to placate us, out of the water.

In summary, Dunbobbin claims that Finlay is a domestic cat but then describes how he was cared for as a wildcat for 4.5 months at an animal conservation facility at the taxpayers expense. He claims that Finay’s welfare needs were met but then admits that he had regular vet visits and received treatment. He also omits crucial details about the health issues Finlay was clearly having and evidenced by notes we have from the police. We are appalled at the dismissive, patronising, misleading and condescending attitude of Andrew Dunbobbin.

You can read Dunbobbin’s comments and then read our critique and you can make up your own mind. I think many of you already have.

Remember, Dunbobbin’s statement and the actions of the police must be viewed in the context of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 which makes it an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to any animal.

In our minds it is abundantly clear that Finlay has been subject to unnecessary suffering and we will do everything we can to hold all those responsible to account. From the thousands of messages we have from you, we know that you are all right behind us.

More updates will follow but Finlay’s health remains our number one priority and we will update with the next vet report very soon.

Thanks again, as without the weight of your support we would not be able to get justice for Finlay. But with it, we will.

Keep watching and best wishes

The Wildcat Haven team and Finlay


