Hi All

We wanted to update on how things are going with our campaign work in Sweden.  Building public pressure in Vattenfall’s home country can apply real pressure. We are really encouraged by how well things are progressing and we are building great momentum. Initially we were working with a Swedish environmental campaigner called Misha Istratov. With his help we started to build a vital network of supportive organisations who all have very active and engaged supporters. Here is Misha’s page. Say hi, like his page and thank him.

Kattjouren are the biggest cat welfare group in Sweden with a huge social media following. They have been fantastic and have posted on their platforms. The posts have got thousands of likes and shares and crucially, we have working with them on calls to action. They have asked their supporters to write directly to Vattenfall, asking them to stop. Judging by the comments, Vattenfall will have been inundated with letters. There is widespread condemnation for Vattenfall’s plans. Here is a link to one of their facebook posts. Like their page, post a comment, say hi and thank them

Natursidan is the largest environmental website in Sweden and they have previously posted a superb article highlighting the potential risks that Vattenfall’s plans pose. Here is the link.

Djurens Ö are a very respected wildlife organization and they have now joined the campaign posting news articles on their website and social media. They also have a very engaged support base. Like their page and please thank them.

All this social media activity is starting to gain great momentum and is now attracting the attention of journalists. We had a great piece published in the Nordic times. Here is  the link:

And only this week we have been contacted by a Swedish Environmental journalist who wants to come and visit the Clashindarroch forest and do an article about Vattenfall’s plans. We are very excited about this and will show her the site and give interviews. 

So, as you can see, the pressure is building in Sweden. You may not know this, but Vattenfall is an household electricity provider in Sweden and so their plans are now being exposed to their own customer base. You will see on some of the social media platforms that people are so outraged that they are changing energy suppliers. Vattenfall are losing customers. The collateral damage and negative impact on their reputation is only going to grow. It’s one thing to be criticized in another country but the damage is amplified when the criticism and condemnation grows in your own back yard. 

The fight to save the Clashindarroch is far from over and we being given a great boost by our friends in Sweden. The wind farm has not been built, the forest and its precious wildcats are still there and so we will never give up. We know that you won’t either. This is a fight we can and must win.

For all updates and more information please visit:

Many thanks as always and keep watching as we have much more news to come.

Emily and the Wildcat Haven Team. 


