HI All

We just wanted to confirm that our written submissions have been sent in for the upcoming Public Inquiry hearing on the 8th February. As we mentioned before Christmas, the Inquiry has been reopened so that all parties can put forward their views on recent policy documents produced by National Government and the Local council.

We are in no doubt that the policy documents at both the national and local level strongly reinforce our objection to the Clashindarroch 2 windfarm proposal put forward by Vattenfall. There is consistent reference to the biodiversity crisis and the need to restore, protect and expand key habitats and to improve and enhance biodiversity. Indeed they make Vattenfall’s plans to destroy the most important Wildcat habitat in Scotland sound ridiculous, which of course it is.

It is also important to remember that the Local Council are also strongly objecting to Vattenfall’s plans and have submitted a very compelling written submission.

Meanwhile Vattenfall’s submission in regard to the wildcat, continues to roll out the same old rubbish about how great their EIA was and how well they surveyed for wildcats. Meanwhile in the real world, we identified 96 deficiencies in their EIA approach and simple scrutiny of their wildcat survey techniques, suggest that they appear designed not to find wildcats. Their ecologists set camera traps without even using bait. You really couldn’t make it up. Also let’s not forget that we have already shown you evidence that Vattenfall deliberately withheld information about the presence of wildcats in the Clashindarroch and we have had whistleblowers come forward who say they were told not to report the presence of wildcats by Vattenfall representatives. It’s sinister stuff. Vattenfall also claim that they can mitigate the destruction of key wildcat habitat by planting trees elsewhere. As is common sense to anyone, it will take at least 15 to 20 years for any planting scheme to mature. What are the wildcats supposed to do in the meantime?  Vattenfall simply have no answer to this and that's because there isn't one. 

We will post up the full documents and links in due course, but we just wanted to let you know that we are well and truly committed to this fight and it is all to play for. Here is an extract from our submissions:

6 Conclusions

6.1 All three of the newly adopted or emerging policy documents that the DPEA has asked participants to consider, strengthen the case that the proposed Clashindarroch II wind farm is the wrong proposal for the wrong site. The revised policy framework is now even better aligned with the weight of scientific literature, and the pre-eminence of principles which the applicant’s scheme consistently seeks to go behind – such as the mitigation hierarchy and the precautionary principle. It is clear and unambiguous that this proposal should not go ahead. The risks to biodiversity, and to the Scottish government’s reputation for biodiversity conservation, if the scheme were to be granted consent are simply too great, and in any event far, far higher than the benefits of a less than 1% (and possibly now even less) contribution to renewable energy demand and targets. Clear alternatives to taking that risk are multitude, both nationally and (increasingly so) locally.

6.2 This is an early test of the revised and emerging policy framework and its improved recognition of the interconnected nature of the energy/climate and biodiversity/nature crises. We welcome the policy revisions and we now look to the Reporter and to Ministers to ensure that they have meaning, and are capable of delivering on the Scottish government’s commitments, nationally, internationally, and morally to protect and conserve the Scottish wildcat and not betray the nation’s rarest and most iconic mammal’.


We think that says it all really. We are fighting really hard and won’t give up until the wildcats are safe. If you want to support our work then you can do so at:

We will provide an update on Finlay next week, but rest assured he is doing wonderfully well and the vet was delighted with his progress when he attended last week.

Many thanks

Emily (Director) and Finlay

PS the cat in the picture above isn't Finlay


