HI All

It is with great surprise that we are letting you know that the Public Inquiry for the Vatttenfall windfarm in the Clashindarroch, has been reopened. You will recall that in October, we requested that the Inquiry consider significant new information about a windfarm proposal put forward by Infinergy. The Infinergy proposal would be adjacent to the forest but not within it. This alternative proposal would not result in large swathes of prime wildcat habitat being destroyed. Our request for the Inquiry to consider such important information was flatly refused. We were told ‘ At this stage in the process, bearing in mind the report has been completed, the reporter would only re-open the inquiry if significant new information came forward that was not already part of the inquiry evidence’.

However, it is now clear that Vattenfall have been lobbying Scottish Ministers and have made an appeal to those Ministers. Almost unbelievably, the Public Inquiry has now been reopened. There appears to be double standards here. Further, it of course begs the question, what have Vattenfall seen that no other party has seen? What decision is being appealed?

We have been informed of an upcoming hearing and have emailed the Inquiry to highlight our concerns. We are being asked to make written submissions without even being given sight of the appeal lodged by Vattenfall. This information is currently being withheld.

Also, hearing dates have been set without checking if any of the objecting parties are even available. And as if all that isn’t strange enough, we are being asked to make written submissions on policy documents that are currently being rewritten.

Not for the first time, something here stinks and remember, Vattenfall still don’t have a land lease agreement in place for the windfarm, yet they are pushing ahead and have now made an appeal to the Scottish Ministers resulting in the reopening of a closed Inquiry.

We have of course contacted the Inquiry expressing our grave concerns and we have made the following requests:

i.  Can copies of the appeal and all related documents submitted to the Ministers by Vattenfall, be circulated to all parties?

ii. Can there be a pre- hearing online meeting, to arrange the availability of all parties?

iii. Can the timescales be extended (this could of course be addressed in any prehearing meeting) in order to not disadvantage our participation and possibly the participation of others?

iv. Can you please give an explanation as to the inconsistencies in process, regarding both the inclusion of new material and the lack of the prehearing protocols which have previously been followed?

v.  Can the written submissions and hearing take place after the relevant policy documents have been finalised?

This is of course a major development in our fight to save the Clashindarroch and its priceless wildcats. We are up for the fight and will never give up until the fight is won. You can see the forces we are up against, but we are not deterred, indeed we are greatly encouraged that Vattenfall are going to such lengths in what can only be seen as a desperate attempt to keep their reckless and disastrous proposal alive. We have no idea what twists and turns lie ahead but we are going to need the full support of all of you. Please keep supporting and sharing our campaign.

We wanted you all to be the first to know about this significant development and we will of course keep you updated at every stage.

Thanks as always

Emily (Director) and Finlay.


