Hi All

We are so glad you all enjoyed the last wildcat video and we can tell you that Matthew who obtained the footage was delighted with the response and even more determined to find more Wildcats. We have no doubt that he will.

So, we are now only days away from our appeal hearing in the Inner House of the Court of Session. The stakes could not be higher. Behind all the legal papers, evidence bundles, witness statements, expert reports, consultation meetings etc, sits a very simple and undisputed fact. The Clashindarroch forest is a site of national importance for the Scottish wildcat, the rarest feline in the world. Indeed, before our campaign the government called the area a Wildcat wonderland. These wildcats are of course unaware that their fate will be discussed in the highest court in the land, next Tuesday on the 27th august. They are currently living their lives and females will be tending to their growing and priceless kittens.

If Vattenfall are allowed to clearfell and industrialise a significant portion of the Clashindarroch then everything changes. Heavy machinery will arrive and destroy their forest home and an endless stream of vehicles and humanity will invade their world. They will not know what is happening and they will not know why their peace is shattered and their homes destroyed. Let us not forgot that evidence presented at the Public Inquiry showed that the construction phase ‘can lead to the killing of wildcat kittens in particular, or the displacement of wildcats’. In short, this will have catastrophic impacts that reach far wider than just the site of development.

The Scottish government has laid out policy that elevates the biodiversity crisis on parity with the climate crisis. This is of course right. Yet, despite this seismic shift in policy, the Vattenfall development has been signed off by the very same government. It is irrational beyond belief and that is being polite.

And so we will make our stand and present our case, giving the wildcats a voice that they otherwise would not have.

To emphasise just how important this case is and how seriously it is considered, we have now found out that the hearing will be overseen by Lord President Carloway, who is the most senior Judge in Scotland. It is incredible how far we have come. The highest court, overseen by the highest-ranking judge in the land.

We do not what the future holds or what the costs of this campaign will ultimately be, but as long as you stand with us, we can guarantee that we will keep fighting hard, until those innocent wildcats win their right to live and breed in peace. As you have always done, you can support our legal campaign at:


We will of course keep you posted but as you can imagine we are now in full preparation mode for the hearing.

On behalf of the wildcats, thank you so very much.

Very best wishes as always

Emily and the Wildcat Haven Team.


