Dear All

It has now been over 72 hours since Finlay was taken by the police. Our legal representatives have had discussions with the Police who led the team that seized Finlay. Despite numerous requests, no information was provided as to where Finlay is, who is looking after him and what type of care he is getting. Our position is clear and was made again to the police yesterday.  Every minute Finlay spends around new people and in a less naturalistic enclosure, seriously damages and disrupts his rehabilitation. He could be in a small barren cage in a vet's room with artificial lights and heating, being tested, for all we know.


We are extremely worried for him and will hopefully have another conversation with the police ASAP to find out more. Just for clarity, as we have publicly stated dozens of times, Finlay came to us as an orphan and needed intensive care and rehabilitation. As we have always stated, the intention has been to release him at the earliest responsible opportunity and that would be this spring. Absolutely no license whatsoever is needed to rehabilitate and release him. As you know our team has previous experience rehabilitating wildcat kittens and no license was needed or acquired previously. A license would only be required if we intended to hold him permanently in captivity. The mere thought of that is abhorrent to us. 

We also want to clarify Finlay’s location. He was found in the Scottish Highlands in late October 2020. He came under our care at very short notice and needed expert, intensive care. Our most experienced team member is based in Wales and so that is where he was taken after being fully vet checked. As you all saw, he thrived. A lot of deliberation took place over where to build the rehabilitation enclosure. The issue with Scotland is that there is a right to roam and so any enclosure we built, could have been visited by any hiker, photographer, dog walker and it would have been impossible to ensure Finlay's security. We do however have access to secure and private land in North Wales, away from public view. This was ideal for Finlay’s needs and so therefore he was being rehabilitated in North Wales. It also explains why it is the North Wales police that currently hold him. We hope that clears up any confusion about location. Of course it goes without saying that Finlay’s release site would be in Scotland. 

We remain deeply upset, baffled and concerned for Finlay. It is also hard not to be suspicious about the timing of this, just 2 weeks before the Public Inquiry into Vattenfall's proposals to build a windfarm in the Clashindarroch Forest; a proposal which threatens one of the last remaining wild populations of Scottish wildcat. It is public knowledge that we have had Finlay for a year, so why ask the Police to swoop now?

We are heartbroken but have another busy day trying to ensure his safe return. As you know we can’t do this without your support so if you feel you can help us, you can do so at:

Thanks again for all your support, it means the world to us. 

The Wildcat Haven Team and Finlay


